"We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think." - Buddha

Parents, carers and beloved allies of children aged 4-8...

Do you want your child to develop positive self-esteem?

Of course you do!  Read on to learn how.

Imagine if your child believed:
Our children aren’t born knowing their ABCs and their 123s. 

They also aren’t born knowing what to believe about themselves, others and the world.  They draw their conclusions from the interactions they have with us, their family members, teachers and peers.  

Our children are meaning-making machines!

Sometimes the conclusions our children come to are positive and empowering.

eg “I can trust that my needs will be met.”
“I can do hard things.”
“I am funny because people laugh at my jokes.”

But sometimes their conclusions aren’t helpful or true.  This is especially the case if we have negative beliefs, because we may inadvertently be passing them onto our children.

eg “I’m not important.”
“Money is hard to come by.”
“There’s something wrong with me.”
“I’m not good enough." 

And a child’s negative thoughts – if left unchallenged – will turn into negative beliefs that can limit them for the rest of their lives.

To learn more about why it's so hard to change the self-limiting beliefs we learn during childhood, click here

Negative beliefs may be the cause of low self-esteem, depression, addiction, perfectionism, procrastination, lack and limitation, invisibility and playing small in the world.  

Yep, it’s that serious. 

But there’s good news.

There is a little-known window of opportunity we have with our children – up until the age of 8 – where we can help them to challenge their negative thoughts, before they become negative beliefs*. 

Woohoo!!!  (It was never my intention to send you spiraling into despair.)

* See Dr Bruce Lipton's article here for more info. 

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick Douglas

Hairy Thought-Buster

Lucky there's a new Superhero in town.

Hairy Thought-Buster is a Superhero for young minds who busts children’s negative thoughts with his magic thought-wand, before they become negative beliefs!

He helps children, all over the world, bust negative thoughts in many different ways.

The Truth of You!  12x Personalized Letters from Hairy Thought-Buster!  

One of Hairy Thought-Buster's most popular and powerful offerings is a product called The Truth of You! 12x Personalized Letters from Hairy Thought-Buster!

This package makes it easy and fun for children (aged 4-8) to develop empowered self esteem and money beliefs!  
Once a month, for 12 months, your child will receive the following items.  

  • A personalized letter from Superhero Hairy Thought-Buster (in the post);
  • An affirmation cut-out with a gorgeous Fluffy visual cue (in the post); and
  • A powerful story featuring Hairy Thought-Buster (accessible by download).
  • Each month the letter, affirmation and story will relate to a different self-esteem truth (see schedule below) to help your child challenge and change their negative thoughts. 

Build self-esteem all year round!

Each month of the year we will focus on a different self-esteem truth - represented by a cute and colorful Fluffy! - so your child will have the chance to practice and internalize it.  

Imagine your child’s delight at receiving a letter in the post on Superhero stationery, addressed personally to them!

12x personalized letters in the post on Superhero stationery

Imagine your child’s delight at receiving a letter in the post on Superhero stationery, addressed personally to them!

And not just one letter, but 12 letters - one every month for 12 months  - telling them how loved and important and powerful they are!  

Hairy Thought-Buster’s letters are comforting, funny and something your child can keep forever to refer back to over and over again, whenever they want. 

After reading these letters, your child will know that they are unique and wonderful just the way they are… and not just because they were told these concepts by their parents!  They always seem to believe it more when it comes from other sources - especially a Superhero!!!

Click the image to read the letter!

12x affirmations with gorgeous visual cues

Each month in the post, your child will also receive a Fluffies affirmation cut-out!

Children LOVE the Fluffies!   Each of the 12 Fluffies represents a different self-esteem truth about every child on the planet.  

Not only are they cute and colorful, but they will serve as powerful visual cues that will remind your child of the truth of their being throughout their entire life.

"The Truth About Me!" poster

When you register for The Truth of You! 12x Personalized Letters from Hairy Thought-Buster, your child will receive an A3 size poster in the mail "The Truth About Me!" (the image on the left).

By the end of 12 months, after sticking on each Fluffy affirmation cut-out, your child's poster will look something like the image on the right. (Except that it will be your child's photo and name in the center, not Olivia's.)

12x powerful stories featuring Hairy Thought-Buster 

  1. Each month your child will receive a story, accessible by download, relating to the self-esteem truth for the month.

    These stories are relatable, kid-friendly, powerful, and engaging!

    The main character in each story will be a child who experiences circumstances (eg the child's friends each excel at something) which results in the child concluding something negative (eg “There's nothing special about me.”).

    Hairy Thought-Buster features in each story as a wise, mythical Superhero character who normalizes the child’s thought (telling them that it’s a common thought to think), but that it’s not helpful or true.  He busts the child’s negative thought and explains to them the truth of their being.

    These stories will enable your child to identify with the main character in the story, and reframe their own experience / challenge their own thoughts, without thinking of their thoughts as wrong.
  1. Imagine the impact of being able to observe but not believe your negative ineffective thoughts! This is truly the gift that keeps on giving. For life! 
Below is an outline of the negative thoughts that are busted in each month's story.


Negative thought

Replacement thought


I'm not important.  

I am important!  


My parents don’t love me.

I am loved. In every moment. No matter what.


I wish I could swim like Mika. Or make people laugh like Charlie.  And I wish I was beautiful like Charlotte.  There’s nothing special about me.

I am unique and wonderful, just the way I am!


I’m not good enough.

I am good enough.  


My circumstances are more powerful than I am.  There's not enough money to buy the things I want.

I am a powerful creator!  There is a power within me that is greater than my circumstances.  How can I create the money I need to buy the things I want?


I am all alone.

I am never alone.


I don’t deserve to get what I want.  I’m a bad person.

I may not be perfect, but I am worthy of everything that I desire.  

I'm not a bad person; I behaved the way I did for a reason.  I am separate from my behavior and I can change my behavior.


I’m not good at creating things.

I am creative. And what I think about my work is more important than what anyone else thinks about my work.


I can’t do it.  Mistakes and failures are bad.

I can’t do it yet… but I am getting better and better every day! 

I can do anything I put my mind to if I work hard, concentrate and work towards it every day.

Failing at something doesn’t make me a failure, it’s just an opportunity for me to learn.


There’s something wrong with me.

I’m OK just the way I am.


Other people are better than me.

I am no better than anyone else, and no-one is better than me.


I don’t belong here.

I do belong here.  I just haven’t found my people yet.

Why use stories?

Children love stories!  Stories have been used throughout the ages to pass down wisdom and culture to younger generations.

Stories teach us about life, about ourselves and about others. We can all remember a good story, because stories are ‘sticky’. They utilize both the left and right sides of the brain.

Stories are proven to offer a shortcut into the subconscious mind - the unconscious programming that directs up to 95% of our daily behavior.

The stories in this package will help children:

  • identify with the main character (who, in each case, has faulty or unhelpful thinking eg “There's nothing special about me”);
  • realise that it is normal and OK to have these thoughts. In each story Hairy Thought-Buster validates the main character’s thought by saying “I can see why you might have had that thought… it’s a very common thought to think!”
  • learn the truth of their being, and a more helpful thought to think, without being told directly that their own thoughts are wrong.

In essence, these stories provide a memorable, engaging and non-threatening way to help children challenge their own negative or unhelpful thinking.


When you register for The Truth of You!  12x Personalized Letters from Hairy Thought-Buster!, we’ll also send a link to a video for your child to watch, in which Hairy Thought-Buster introduces himself and explains how children can challenge and change their own negative thoughts using imagination and rhyme! 


A gorgeous resource for children and parents in busting those ‘hairy thoughts’ before they take hold! 

Lou Coles

EFT and Mindfulness Practitioner

This is absolutely beautifully written and just perfect for her. Thank you so much.
I hope you keep doing this long term as I can see it being very beneficial if I get a letter sent to her every year or 2 just reminding her how special she is and touching in her main concerns at the time. After all sometimes we could all use our own super hero cheering us on and reminding us just how special we are.



This story ("I Am Important!") is phenomenally important! I love it. It will help your children talk to you about the impact of device use in your house. Highly recommended.

Dr Danielle Einstein

Clinical Psychologist

If I could give this more than a 5 star, I would! This was what I was looking for to boost my kiddos confidence, and it did the trick! Thank you!

(about the Fluffies wall decal stickers)


Amazon customer

It's an amazing concept, and worth telling everyone!

Mark Havas


Lovely! Just lovely! What every child feels at some point and putting a voice to it will certainly help them get through those hard moments when "they don't feel loved".

Isabella Bartolo

Parent Coach

The main benefits of The Truth of You! 12x Letters package


Brings comfort and assurance to children

Who WOULDN'T want a wise, comforting Superhero - and 12 gorgeous Fluffies -  reminding them of the truth of their being and loving them unconditionally?

I wish I'd had these characters when I was a child!

(And maybe even still do!)


Stimulates imagination

When your child receives a letter in the post from Superhero Hairy Thought-Buster, and reads the stories, it will stimulate their imagination - which fosters creativity and visualization skills!

Not only that, but the visual imagery of Hairy Thought-Buster busting negative thoughts will help your child to externalize their own thoughts (i.e. help them realize that they are separate from their thoughts) and provide them with a powerful technique for challenging and changing their own thoughts when needed.


Repetition builds positive self-esteem beliefs!

Repetition is the mother of learning!

Repetition of these concepts via the letters, stories and seeing the Fluffies over and over again will help your child reprogram their subconscious mind with the positive self-esteem and money beliefs they need to live an empowered life!

Hi, I'm Michelle Lowbeer  

I’m an imperfect parent of 2 teenage girls living in Sydney, Australia, and an avid personal growth enthusiast!

Formerly a left-brain-heavy accountant and financial planner, I'm now a children’s book author, Biodanza facilitator-under-supervision and creator of Hairy Thought-Buster and The Fluffies!   I love running out in nature every morning, reading, dancing and share trading (when the markets are going up)!

I created this service – The Truth of You! 12x Personalized Letters from Hairy Thought-Buster! – to help children change their internal stories…. before they become negative beliefs.

And also because Hairy Thought-Buster kept nagging me to do it.  :) 

Chief Storyteller @ Hairy Thought-Buster

Frequently asked questions

What if my child doesn’t know who Hairy Thought-Buster is?

No problem!  

When you register for The Truth of You! 12x Personalized Letters from Hairy Thought-Buster!, we’ll send you a link to a video for your child to watch, in which Hairy Thought-Buster introduces himself and explains how children can challenge and change their own negative thoughts using imagination and rhyme.

Where will the letters be sent from / to?

Letters will be sent from Sydney, Australia to anywhere in the world where postage is possible.  

When are the letters sent out?

When you first register, your child will receive an introductory letter and poster in the mail.  Thereafter, letters are sent out at once a month at the beginning of each month. 

If you have already registered but haven’t received a letter from Hairy Thought-Buster that you’re expecting, please email us at hello@hairythoughtbuster.com to let us know.

Is postage included in the price?

Yes, postage is included in the price of a subscription.

If the letters are being sent to an Australian address, be sure to select the Australian product in our shop to get a discount (for cheaper postage).

What if I have multiple children?

We wouldn't want any of your children to miss out!  There are a couple of options.

1. For $10 per additional child, each envelope and letter can be addressed to all children.  Each child will receive their own “The Truth of You!” poster and Fluffies affirmation cut-out each month in the post.   To choose this option, select the number of children you have from the drop-down box when you go to purchase the product.

2. You can purchase a separate subscription for each child and receive a 30% discount across all the subscriptions you purchase.  In this case each child will receive a separate envelope and letter in the mail each month.  To choose this option, order the product for the first child with "1" child in the dropdown box (and complete the form for the first child), then repeat again for the next child etc.  Use the coupon code SIBLING30 to receive a 30% discount across all the subscriptions you purchase.

My child has another issue going on / other negative thoughts. Can Hairy Thought-Buster help with that?

Absolutely!  Hairy Thought-Buster can send fully customized letters out to children, which are based on a child’s  specific circumstances. Please email us at hello@hairythoughtbuster.com to find out more.

Can my child write back to Hairy Thought-Buster?

Absolutely!  Hairy Thought-Buster loves to hear from children... whether it's by letter, email or video! 
And we have a service where Hairy Thought-Buster can send fully customized letters back to children, which are responsive to a child’s individual messages to him, and based on the child’s specific circumstances. Please email us at hello@hairythoughtbuster.com to find out more.

Can I register for myself, even though I am older than 8?

Absolutely!  We all have an inner child, and it’s probably comforting to experience receiving a personalized letter (or 12) in the post telling us how lovable and important and powerful we are.

And you are. You are absolutely amazing. 🙂

Can letters be sent in languages other than English?

At this stage no. However we are open to this possibility happening in the future! Please email us at hello@hairythoughtbuster.com to let us know what language you would like to receive the letters in.

I am a publisher / producer. Is Hairy Thought-Buster (or the Fluffies) open to doing book deals or TV shows / movies?

OMG YES!!!  This would be our dream come true!  Please email us at hello@hairythoughtbuster.com.   Right now!  Thank you so much! 

Can I buy one of the Fluffies as a pet for my child?

What price were you were thinking?  

No, unfortunately the Fluffies are not for sale.

What if I still have questions?

We'd love to hear from you!  Contact us at any time at hello@hairythoughtbuster.com.


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Write the answer to the question here. This way, your visitors can easily pick the questions that matter to them, without being distracted by loads of text from the FAQ.

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Write the answer to the question here. This way, your visitors can easily pick the questions that matter to them, without being distracted by loads of text from the FAQ.

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Write the answer to the question here. This way, your visitors can easily pick the questions that matter to them, without being distracted by loads of text from the FAQ.

Write the question here

Write the answer to the question here. This way, your visitors can easily pick the questions that matter to them, without being distracted by loads of text from the FAQ.

Our Mission

Hairy Thought-Buster is widely regarded as the most iconic Superhero of our time for young children (aged 4-8)!  He helps children to learn that they are separate from their thoughts, and how to challenge and change their thinking.

The purpose of our company is to comfort children and empower them to change their internal narratives. We do this by communicating empowering stories, ideas and beliefs to children in ways that engage them and create magical experiences!


52 Carlyle Road, East Lindfield, NSW, 2070, Australia

© Hairy Thought-Buster Pty Ltd, 2023


Download this free Fluffies poster!

Please fill in the form below to receive this free Fluffies poster to help your child build positive self-esteem beliefs!

You’ll also receive monthly emails  from Hairy Thought-Buster.  Don’t like it? No problem. You can unsubscribe in a click.