The Truth of You! - Hairy Thought-Buster

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." - Buddha

Parents, educators and beloved allies...

Want your child to grow up with an abundance mindset,
self-love and the knowledge that they matter?

(No matter what is going on in their external world?)

In our online program - The Truth of You! - we help children develop the following beliefs:


Our children are meaning-making machines

From the day they arrive on the planet, our gorgeous little bundles of joy are concluding things about themselves (and the world) based on their interactions with us.  It's how they make sense of the world.

But children’s false conclusions – if left unchallenged – can form negative beliefs that can limit a child for the rest of their lives.  Yep.  It's that serious!  

And the times we find ourselves in are particularly challenging, with the prevalence of addictive smartphones, and the emotional and financial stresses associated with COVID-19 and lockdowns.  

If you often find yourself:

  • busy or distracted on your smartphone; or
  • not able to give your child the attention they are wanting; or
  • yelling at or punishing your child; or
  • not able to afford things that your family wants or needs…

Then you are definitely not alone. It’s not your fault.
And this program is going to be a perfect fit for the little people in your life.

Because, in these circumstances, your child may be concluding things that aren’t helpful or true.

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick Douglas

Hi, I’m Michelle Lowbeer from Sydney Australia!

I’m an imperfect parent of 2 girls, a former financial planner, now a children’s book author and primary school ethics teacher.

I created this online program – The Truth of You!to help children change their internal stories…. before they become negative beliefs.

And also because the Fluffies kept nagging me to do it.

The Truth of You!  program uses the power of story, humour and cute characters to help children (aged 4-8) reinterpret three common scenarios that might otherwise result in children having low self-esteem or limiting money beliefs.

After watching these stories, your child will know that they are important, powerful and lovable... and not just because they were told these concepts by their parents!  They always seem to believe it more when it comes from other sources!

The stories are relatable, kid-friendly, powerful, and engaging!

“My 6yo watched it three times. And she laughed every time the hairy thoughts were flushed down the toilet!”

– Marianne Lewis, parent

The Stories...

Please note: The stories in this program are not intended to make parents feel guilty or wrong.  You are not allowed to beat yourself up when you read them!   If you recognize yourself or your family in these stories, know that you are not alone.  Be gentle on yourself.  And then go buy the program. :)

This story is in the format of a children's book. The program includes a PDF version of the book as well as a  12 minute video of me (the author) reading the book.

Story #1: You are Important!

Katie is a girl who is trying to get attention from her parents in order to fill her emotional need of belonging. But her parents are often busy or distracted on their digital devices, so they’re not giving her the attention she really wants.

Katie comes to this conclusion --> 
“I’m not important.”

Then she meets Hairy Thought-Buster, a Superhero for young minds, who busts her negative thought before it becomes a belief! He tells her the truth of her being – that she really is important – and gives her an alternative explanation as to why her parents are not always paying attention to her. And now Katie has an important job to do...

Children love this story, which contains a little bit of humour, a little bit of rhyme and the cute lovable Superhero for young minds - Hairy Thought-Buster!

Why does this story matter?

Did you know that the average American adult checks their phone 344 times a day? (It happens often in my house too.)

And nearly one-third of children feel unimportant when their parents are using their smartphones.

A child who grows up with the belief “I’m not important” may have difficulty establishing appropriate boundaries throughout their lives, or in standing up for themselves and the things they believe in. They may withhold their ideas and contributions from the world because they think they don’t matter.

What have others said?

This book is exactly what every busy parent needs to take time to read with their children.

Rachel McCann

Primary School Teacher

I love this book. It lets parents know that their actions have consequences in a respectful and loving way. A must read with your child.

Shelly Lefkoe
Parenting Educator, Co-founder of the Lefkoe Institute and Founder of Parenting the Lefkoe Way 

This book is phenomenally important! I love it. It will help your children talk to you about the impact of device use in your house. Highly recommended.

Dr Danielle Einstein
Clinical Psychologist

A gorgeous resource for children and parents in busting those 'hairy thoughts' before they take hold.

Lou Coles
EFT and Mindfulness Practitioner,
Evolve with Lou, Empowering You

It's an amazing concept, and worth telling everyone!

Mark Havas

Story #2: You are Powerful!

Antonia’s mother loses her job, and her family can no longer afford to buy her the new shoes she wants.

“We can’t afford that,” Antonia’s mother tells her.

So Antonia becomes worried about their family’s situation and resigns herself to the fact that she won’t be getting the new shoes she wants. 

Antonia comes to this conclusion --> 
“There’s not enough money.”


Then she meets Hairy Thought-Buster, a Superhero for young minds, who busts Antonia’s negative thought with his magic popper because it doesn’t feel good to Antonia when she thinks it!

Hairy Thought-Buster tells Antonia the truth of her being – that she is a powerful creator – and encourages Antonia to instead ask the question “How can I make enough money to buy the new shoes I want?”

Antonia asks this question just before she goes to sleep and receives the inspiration she needs to start her own business. And as Antonia starts making sales, Antonia’s mother is inspired by Antonia to start her own business as well.

All’s well that ends well, and Antonia ends up saving up the profits from her business to buy the new shoes she wants. The sky is the limit for this powerful little creator (and her mother as well)!

The cute blue I am powerful! Fluffy character, who appears in each scene with Antonia, is a visual representation of the truth of Antonia’s being – that she is a powerful creator!


This story is in the format of a 7 minute animation. 

Why does this story matter?

Did you know that 78% of American workers and 38% of Australian workers are living paycheck to paycheck? And 65% of children worry about their parents not having enough money.

It’s not because there’s not enough money in the world, or because we don’t have access to the opportunities to make money… it’s because most of us grew up with parents who had limiting money beliefs, and these beliefs were passed down to us. It’s these beliefs that block off possibilities and keep us stuck financially.

For example, my grandparents went through financial difficulty during the Great Depression… and it’s why I was raised with a scarcity mentality some two generations later. I have had to work on my mindset to shift this pattern of thinking… and it’s still a practice!

A child who grows up with a scarcity mentality (“there’s not enough money”) may struggle financially throughout their lives and / or live in fear of spending money they do have because they are worried they will run out.

My daughter (aged 6) enjoyed this video so much she begged to watch it on repeat. She is now putting plans in place to start making her own little business.

 - Keren Lipschitz, parent


This story is in the format of a 7 minute animation. 

Story #3 : You Are Lovable!

Brian is a boy who gets very bored at home while his parents are busy working on their computers.

He runs around the house pretending to be an aeroplane… and is yelled at by his dad.

He expresses his creativity by drawing a beautiful picture on the curtains… and is yelled at by his mum, then sent to his room.

Brian comes to this conclusion--> 
“Mummy and daddy don’t love me.”


Then Brian meets Hairy Thought-Buster, a Superhero for young minds, who busts Brian’s negative thought with his magic popper! Hairy Thought-Buster tells Brian the truth of his being – that he is always lovable! And he gives Brian an alternative explanation as to why Brian’s parents were yelling at him.

Brian comes to understand that it’s his behaviour that his parents don’t love, not Brian himself.

Hairy Thought-Buster teaches Brian the concept and practice of self-love… so that even in those moments when Brian isn’t feeling loved, he can always give love to himself.

The cute purple I am lovable Fluffy character, who appears in each scene with Brian, is a visual representation of the truth of Brian’s being that he is always lovable, no matter what.

Why does this story matter?

A child who grows up thinking that they’re fundamentally unlovable may spend their energy seeking out ways and people to get love throughout their lives. However these will only ever be temporary fixes that never quite fill the void inside. Such individuals may be clingy and jealous in their relationships (because they are afraid of losing love) or they may become people pleasers; trying to do things to please others in order to gain love.

What a wonderful, and successfully done project! Brava, brava, brava!

 Nina Elizabeth

It is really cute and easy to watch for young kids. I love the explanation of challenging the thoughts that aren't real.  

Hayley Bilski
Mental Health Social Worker

Lovely! Just lovely! What every child feels at some point and putting a voice to it will certainly help them get through those hard moments when "they don't feel loved". Love the animation.

Isabella Bartolo
Parent Coach

Self-love is one of the most important

things we can teach our children.

Self-love helps us to take healthy risks, establish and maintain healthy

relationships, and frees us from comparison and people-pleasing.

Meet the characters!

Hairy Thought-Buster is a Superhero for young minds who busts children’s negative thoughts with his magic popper before they become limiting beliefs!

Children love superheroes, and Hairy Thought-Buster is as lovable as they come! He is cute, wise and funny. He is second cousins with the tooth fairy, and in his spare time likes to roll around in bubble wrap.

The Fluffies are cheeky little fuzzballs, descended from Planet Fluff, in order to teach children the truth of their being!  Each Fluffy is an external representation of a different self-esteem truth.

Children love the Fluffies! They are cute, colourful and catchy. They are also engaging visual cues that - with sufficient repetition and emotion – can prevent or eliminate limiting beliefs.

There are 12 Fluffies altogether, but only 3 in this program. 

To download a free poster with all The Fluffies, visit

Why Use Stories?

Children love stories!  Stories have been used throughout the ages to pass down wisdom and culture to younger generations.
Stories teach us about life, about ourselves and about others. We can all remember a good story, because stories are ‘sticky’. They utilise both the left and right sides of the brain.

The stories in this program allow children to:

  • identify with the main character (who, in each case, has faulty or unhelpful thinking eg “I’m not important”);
  • realise that it is normal and OK to have these thoughts. In each story Hairy Thought-Buster validates the main character’s thought by saying “I can see why you might have had that thought… it’s a very common thought to think!”
  • learn the truth of their being, and a more helpful thought to think, without being told directly that their own thoughts are wrong.

In essence, these stories provide a memorable, engaging and non-threatening way to help children challenge their own negative or unhelpful thinking.

Children love the stories in this program, and some children have watched them over and over and over again (which is to be encouraged)!

The Power of Visual Imagery

Children are great at using their imagination! Once they have seen Hairy Thought-Buster in these animations, they can use visual imagery to imagine Hairy Thought-Buster coming to bust their own negative thoughts as well, whenever they arise.

This is a great tool to help children learn to separate who they are from the thoughts they are having, which is key to living an empowered life.  I wish I'd known this when I was younger!

Here's What You'll Get

  • 3 video stories that kids will love!
  • You are important.
    A 12 minute video of me (the author) reading the children's book "I Am Important!: A ‘phenomenally important’ book to help children know they matter in this age of digital devices" 
  • You are powerful!
    A 7 minute animation.
  • You are lovable.
    A 7 minute animation.
  • A PDF version of the children’s book: I Am Important: A ‘phenomenally important’ book to help
    children know they matter in this age of digital devices.
  • Discussion questions and activities to go with each story.
  • 3 really cute downloadable affirmation posters!
    These affirmation posters serve as visual cues, which help children reinforce the positive self-esteem beliefs. 
  • Links to external resources for grown-ups, including articles and courses on: 
  • How to overcome your own limiting beliefs.
  • What to say around children relating to money… even if money is tight.
  • How to react when your child wants your attention and you’re on the phone or busy with something else.
  • How to stop yelling at your child.
  • How to help your child start their own business.
  • How to improve your financial situation.

After you’ve signed up for The Truth of You! program you’ll be

sent a link with lifetime access to these stories and resources.


  • Your information is safe & secure with us!

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

If for any reason you’re not satisfied with your investment in The Truth of You! program, just drop us an email (to within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked! 

Well maybe just one, so we can help improve for next time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What age group is this program intended for?

Is the program available in other languages?

Can my child go through the program on his / her own?

Who are the other Fluffies?

Can I buy one of the Fluffies as a pet for my child?

What if I still have questions?

Our Mission Statement

Here at The Fluffies our mission is to win the hearts and minds of children all over planet earth, so that they are consistently
exposed to truthful narratives about themselves and others – which will help them challenge any negative thoughts they have to the contrary. It is also our mission to help children learn the concepts of self-love and self-acceptance.

We believe that every human child is magnificent and lovable and capable of great things! (And that they all deserve to know this!)

Thank you so much for visiting.

We love you!

The Fluffies

© Lowbeer Pty Ltd 2022 - All rights reserved.

Download this free Fluffies poster!

Please fill in the form below to receive this free Fluffies poster to help your child build positive self-esteem beliefs!

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